Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Leaders are Bred

Leaders are bred like thoroughbred racing horses. But, even the most genetically endowed thoroughbred is no more guaranteed to win than a common plow horse; it must work to become a recognized champion; because by all practical accounts they are physically the same. Likewise we are very similar to each other, we each possess potential, but it is our training, experience and socialization that evoke leadership.
Time and again the “dark horse” has come from behind, conquered all odds and shattered stereotypes, this is because effective leadership results are the sum of personal talents, and experiences based upon the development and application of innate traits. One cannot effectively lead others if their personal abilities are so limited that they easily become overwhelmed with personal challenges. They must first have the capability to manage themselves followed with the capacity to then turn outward and influence others. This requisite for leadership is not a physical breeding like animals rather it is based upon conjoining experience with natural abilities which then produces a leader.

Friday, April 11, 2008


I just got back from a trip to Gettysburg in which our tour not only covered the intriguing aspects of the battle but was hosted by an excellent guide, a retired Army colonel named T. Vossler who added his personal commentary on many of the leadership dimensions of this epic event. I came away with a much deeper appreciation for the responsibility leaders have for those they lead, for the devotion of followers and for the sacrifices of those men who fought during the Civil War.
This particular trip sparked some new thoughts related to leadership such as: risk, care, consequences, communication and determination. I plan on reviewing my notes and addressing these topics in future blog posts.