Monday, September 9, 2019

The Big 6 of Quality Leadership

Leaders develop others.  A leader by nature is a teacher.  Through personal example they demonstrate their personal convictions and inspire others to pursue personal growth and development.

Leaders must have vision.  They see the future, understand potential and look to the future while understanding current requirements and conditions.

Leaders provide direction.  The mission is the articulated vision nested in the organizational purpose.  Leaders must define priorities, give guidance and make actionable decisions.

Leaders get things done.  Accomplishment is the true measure of effective leadership.  Personal hard work exemplifies what is expected.  Leaders model positive work ethic and hold others accountable. 

Leaders gauge, appraise, and evaluate.  Assessment is absolutely necessary to gain the information required to develop people and improve the organization.  Continual review of self, others and systems provides both a start point and end point on the continuum of growth.

Leaders resource.  The principle role of a leader is to allocate resources; both tangible and intangible resources.  Managing time, money, people, talent, espirit de corps, innovation and ability are critical.