Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Leader Talent

Leadership is a talent and just like every talent there are two kinds of people: the ones who are naturally talented and the ones that are not. We all know someone that has a sort of gift, a special ability, something that just comes naturally to them, sometimes they don't even realize it. Well some people are endowed with the talent of leadership. They've got the "it"; people are attracted to them, they enjoy challenges, working in divers and ambiguous situations motivate them. These folks are natural leaders, they are like Mozart, Picasso and Da Vinci so to speak within the art of leadership.
Then there is the larger more common group of individuals, who have key attributes, but their leadership ability is developed over time and through practice. These leaders are excellent at what they do, because of the effort they invest. Within this group are professionals that take pride in pursuing excellence and influencing others to achieve high standards. They are like great athletes, musicians or artisans. Because they build upon the natural abilities they possess and seek opportunities to strengthen personal weaknesses. This group of leaders develop their talent, just like a great jazz musician, through trial and error, testing boundaries and discovering best practices.
Lest someone reading this becomes discouraged because do not feel like a natural leader, fear not, because like anything worth pursuing, becoming a good leader can be achieved. It takes practice, concentration and dedication. This does not mean one should stop what they are doing only to pursue great leadership qualities; rather in being dedicated and through practice the leader emerges from the experience. In essence you become the leader in doing, not simply by pursuing leadership.
This why so many leader development programs fail, they pool together the important skills, attributes and qualities of leadership, but they fail to allow for leadership to take place and consequently fail to develop a good leader. If you are truly interested in becoming a better leader, reflect on what you've got and what you need. Then in the moment of truth act appropriately, soon you will find that your leader attributes will be strengthened and your leader influence expanded.

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